Catlog®︎を展開するRABOが、J.P.モルガンが選定する「Top 100 Asia-Pacific Women-Powered, High-Growth Businesses」を受賞しました
株式会社RABO(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役社長:伊豫 愉芸子、以下「RABO」)は、J.P.モルガンが選定するアジア太平洋地域の女性による高成長ビジネスのトップ100の企業に送られる「Top 100 Asia-Pacific Women-Powered, High-Growth Businesses」を受賞いたしました。
【English below】
■RABOが女性起業家による高成長中の企業に送られる「Top 100 Asia-Pacific Women-Powered, High-Growth Businesses」を受賞
「Top 100 Asia-Pacific Women-Powered, High-Growth Businesses」は、長年に渡り女性によるビジネスをサポートしてきたJ.P.モルガンによって選定された、アジア太平洋地域の女性による高成長ビジネスのトップ100の企業に送られる賞です。 累計調達金額、投資家からの評価、セクター毎の評価、事業運営と財務状況等の項目を総合的に評価した結果、今回選出いただきました。
RABO代表取締役社長 伊豫愉芸子よりコメント
なお、今回RABOが受賞した「Top 100 Asia-Pacific Women-Powered, High-Growth Businesses」の詳細を含むレポート「Top 100 Women-Powered, High-Growth Businesses in Asia Pacific」はこちらよりご覧いただけます。
■「猫の生活をテクノロジーで見守る」Catlog® (キャトログ)
大切な愛猫の一生を、すこやかに。Catlogは、ずっと寄り添います。Catlogは、『Catlog』と『Catlog Board』の2つのデバイスで、猫様の日々のデータから行動やコンディションを自動的に解析。難しい健康管理をすることなく、愛猫の調子を直感的に把握。日頃の過ごし方や、体調不良時の通院判断、そして動物病院での診察にも役立ちます。大切な愛猫との日々に、惜しみない愛情を。Catlogは、猫様と飼い主さんの幸せですこやかな日々をサポートいたします。
Catlog公式サイト: Catlogアプリを体験する:
<RABOについて> 商号:株式会社RABO(RABO, Inc.) 代表者:代表取締役社長 伊豫 愉芸子 所在地:〒150-0011 東京都渋谷区東3-9-19 設立:2018年2月22日(猫の日) URL: Twitter: Instagram: TikTok: LINE:
RABO, Inc. Receives “Top 100 Asia-Pacific Women-Powered, High-Growth Businesses” by J.P. Morgan Private Bank
TOKYO, March 28th, 2023 – RABO Inc. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Yukiko Iyo) is proud to announce that we have been selected as a recipient of the prestigious “Top 100 Asia-Pacific Women-Powered, High-Growth Businesses” by J.P. Morgan Private Bank. The award recognizes RABO’s outstanding performance, leadership, and commitment to driving growth and innovation in the region as a representative from Japan.
The Top 100 ranking lists private APAC women-powered, high-growth businesses based on EY’s proprietary methodology and a cumulative scoring system comprising 4 key components, resulting in the allocation of a distinct score for the respective companies in each country for consistency and accuracy across the region. The 4 key components include: 1) cumulative and total funding; 2) investor confidence; 3) sector and industry calibration; 4) operational and financial components.
Comment from Founder and CEO, Yukiko Iyo
“We are thrilled to be recognized as one of Asia Pacific’s Top 100 Women-Powered, High-Growth Businesses. We aim to scale globally to achieve the mission, “Cat-centered monitoring technology, because nine lives are never enough.” And we believe that integrating ESG into our management is essential for long-term development. We are proud to be part of the community of women entrepreneurs who are making a significant impact in the region and beyond, and we will continue to help cat owners keep their precious cats’ health and wellness from whiskers to tail, to increase cats’ lifespan as we believe “nine lives are never enough.”
The report “Top 100 Asia-Pacific Women-Powered, High-Growth Businesses in Asia Pacific” is available HERE
__■About Catlog® __
Catlog series offer products built on unique cat-centered technology that focuses on the wellness of cats – because nine lives are never enough. Catlog is an IoT product series designed to monitor your precious cat 24/7. It utilizes bio-logging and AI technologies to analyze your cat’s activities at all times. The first Catlog device, simply named Catlog, is a wi-fi enabled collar with motion detection functionality that unobtrusively collects activity data such as time spent eating, sleeping, grooming and exercising. The original Catlog collar was later joined by the Catlog Board, which is a board-shaped health management device that can simply be placed underneath your cat’s favorite litter box. The data collected by both devices can then be tracked in a dedicated smartphone application that allows you to notice changes in your cat’s behavior and to receive alerts when something is wrong, allowing early detection of health issues and creating peace of mind.
Official Website: Try Catlog App:
■About RABO
Company name: RABO, Inc. CEO: Yukiko Iyo Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Operation: 2018/2/22 (Japan’s cats day) URL: Twitter: Instagram: TikTok: LINE: